假如你是一名英语教师,你会怎样帮助学生学好英语? 求一篇英语作文, “假如你是一名英语老师怎样让不想上英语课的学生想上英语”就这...



First of all, learning English well needs perseverance. Because learning English well is a long-term process. If we insist on leraning Eglish everyday, we will masterit one day.


If we just study it for a short time and then give up, we will gain nothing in the end. Therefore, we should stick to learn English erveryday inorder to learn it well.


Secondly,learning English well needs us open our mouth. Many chinese students who have learned english for more than ten years are still unable to speak english fluently when they meet a foreigner.


They are afraid that other people might find out their mistakes. it is not uncommon that many students, who are bad speakers of english, can write english perfectly. this proves that they are not able to organize their ideas in english.


The best way to get rid of this trouble is to learn to speak by speaking more. i am sure that constant practice will help you to succeed.




假如你是一名英语教师,你会怎样帮助学生学好英语? 求一篇英语作文


How to Make Your Students WANT to Learn English in Class

Teaching is one of the most demanding, yet rewarding jobs a person can do. Students' attendance is crucial for an English teacher. How to make students who are not interested in English want to learn in class? There are some helpful ways which I call the "Two- R" tips.
First, REWARD GOOD PARTICIPATION. Students want to learn in your class when they know they will be rewarded. Rewards may be considered bribery but in all honestly, we are rewarded for our successes in life, why not in school? Students of all ages respond to rewards. They key is to find the rewards that work best for the students in class. Extra points on a test grade often motivate students. I think that most students will come to class and learn if they know that extra points is at stake. Praise is also a very good reward. Such types of rewards do not have to be used on a daily basis. The most important reward is positive feedback. A teacher should be sensitive enough to catch his or her students when they are really being good and compliment them.
The second "R" is REALLY FUN. Don't just make class fun. Make it really fun! The teacher's enthusiasm is contagious. If you are enthusiastic about teaching then your students will be enthusiastic about learning. It's hard not to pay attention when the teacher is full of life and energy. Use your voice to keep their attention. Speak very, very softly then change to an exuberant voice. This holds a student's attention and keeps them on task. Play games. Turn a "boring lesson of terms" into a game of Jeopardy. Break them into teams and let them earn points then reward them (see rule 1). If you are excited about a topic then it will rub off on the students. They'll be excited! If your class is "Really Fun" then the students will want to pay attention and learning will be active.



6、只有经过教师修改的东西才值得牢记。不要反复去看那些做了而未经别人修改 的练习,看多了就会不自觉地连同错误的东西一起记在脑了里。假如你纯属自学而无旁人相助,那你就去记那些肯定是正确无误的东西。7、抄录和记忆句子和惯用语时要用单数第一人称,如“I am only pulling your leg"(我只是...


4. 合理利用寒暑假:寒暑假其实是许多学生们锻炼口语的最好时机。当然前提是平日里得培养学生们对口语学习的热情,这样假期他们才能调动自主能力进行口语的锻炼。许多学校在寒暑假也希望英语教师们能定期设定一些“口语打卡“的活动让学生们参加。但许多老师又苦于没有一个较好的软件帮助他们收集音频,毕竟...

我认为当学生对所学内容感到有兴趣时,他们才能更好地学习。因此,我总是尝试找到方法使课程对他们来说相关且有趣。 教授英语不仅仅是关于语法规则和词汇。它还涉及发展批判性思维技能和培养创造力。作为一名英语老师,我感到有责任帮助我的学生成为自信和能够用英语进行有效沟通的人。 抢首赞 已赞过 已踩过< 你对...


一、要不断提高学科专业水平 作为一名小学英语教师,必须掌握英语学科专业基础知识和具有运用的能力。小学英语教师面对的是小学生,这些孩子刚刚接触英语,此时的孩子是模仿能力最强的时候,教师英语语音标准与否将直接影响孩子们的英语发音甚至他们的一生。所以,应该让孩子多接触标准的发音。如果教师自身条件不...

Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we should listen to the teacher and take notes carefully in class. Go over what is learnt regularly and finish doing our ...


2.负责安排布置作业,并完成作业的批改;3.组织学生开展课外活动,丰富学生课余生活;4.及时掌握学生学习中出现的各种问题并全力解决;5.负责关注学生心理情绪变化,及时谈话疏导,和家长保持联系;6.完成教学部总监交办的其他工作。职责二:英语助教职责 1、协助任课老师做好课前准备,合理安排课堂活动等;...


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