
  How to protect your hair(By Kaiser3344)
  I think we wet hair, the hair, comb easily injured when be doubly careful. From hair tip first began gradually, after all, through from downward, nodular comb. Don't pull the hair, prevent broke. The comb is very important also, had better choose the tooth of hair smooth mellow, should choose long teeth of coarse hair comb, can reduce the damage.
  The correct approach to comb, from the first comb MaoShao messy, MaoShao brush gently stick scalp, slowly rotating in daiwan comb. Hard to evenly, such as overexert, would stab scalp. Starting from the forehead hair combs, back in the opposite direction, again after the bun from forward comb. Then, from left to right and top of the respective respectively in the opposite direction, finally let a hair to spread around the head which comb.
  Let our hair healthier!


关于护发的常识: 1、经常使用吹风机 头发所含的水分若降低至10%以下,发丝就会变得粗糙、分叉,而经常使用吹风机吹发的后果就会如此。最好让头发自然晾干,至于经常去美容院的人,可以请美发师将吹风机拿远一点,不要贴着头皮吹,而且时间不宜过长。 2、每天反复梳发超过50次 梳理头发可以帮助清理附在头发上的脏物并且会刺激头皮,促进头皮的血液循环。但梳理过多,反而会伤害秀发。建议每天只需梳理30次左右就足够了。 3、只梳理头发的尾端 正确的梳发方式是从发根缓缓梳向发梢,尤其是长头发的人。如果只梳发尾,往往什出现断发或发丝缠绕的现象。 4、趁头发很湿时上发卷 正确的方法是等头发干到七八成时,再上发卷。 5、洗完头发后用力擦干 用毛巾用力搓揉,只会使头发枯涩分叉。你应该用干毛巾将头发包起来,轻轻按压,干毛巾会自然将头发上的水分吸干。 6、洗发剂泡沫越多越好 许多人以为,洗发时用力越大,洗发剂的泡沫越多,头发会洗得越干净。其实这样会使头发更干涩。洗发用品的泡沫不应求多,而用力要轻柔。 7、在头发上喷洒香水 虽然头发很容易吸收气味,但在头发上洒香水,结果是适得其反。因为香水中的酒精成分一挥发,就会将头发中的水分带走,使秀发更显干燥。 8、染发与烫发同时进行 刚烫过头发的人最好等一两个星期再进行染发,否则会使头发的负担太重而伤害秀发。 10、戴着发卷入睡 头发被卷在发卷中,承受一整夜的重量和压力,不可避免地会受到伤害,所以这一方法是不可取的。 11、头发干涩时就多抹一些护发乳 头发干燥,缺乏光泽,多抹些护发用品就可以解决,相信许多人都曾这样试过。事实上,过量的护发乳只会给头发造成负担。要抹的话,最好只抹在头发表层即可。 12、用力梳头可除去头皮屑 用梳子的尖端用力刮头皮,的确可以除去一些头皮屑,但是头皮上的角质细胞也会脱落,造成头皮受伤。 13、烫发不成功再来一次 新烫的发型不令人满意时,有些人会重新再来一次。这样做对头发将造成极大伤害。对于首次烫发的人来说,烫发时间宁可缩短一些,同时与第二次烫发的时间间隔要长一些。 14、各种皮质的人都可以染发 如果可以的话,在进行染发之前,与美发师充分沟通,先沾些染剂在手腕内侧,如果出现红痒,就应该打消染发的念头,以免伤害头发。 15、一瓶洗发用品全家适用 使用不合发质的洗发、护发用品,结果可想而知。就如同干性发质使用油性发质的专用产品,会把头发上的油脂和水分都洗掉,结果使头发更干燥。 1, frequent use of hair dryer If the hair is contained in the water down to below 10%, hair becomes rough, bifurcation, and often use the hair dryer blow the consequences would be the case. Best to let hair dry naturally, as people often go to beauty salons, hairdressers could be invited to the hair dryer to take a further step and not close to the scalp, blow, and time should not be too long. 2, repeated Shufa more than 50 times a day Comb the hair to help clean up the dirt attached to the hair and will stimulate the scalp and promote blood circulation of scalp. But the comb too much, but will hurt the hair. Suggested about 30 times a day just combing is sufficient. 3, only the tail hair comb Shufa the right way to slowly comb from the hair root to the Fa Shao, especially the long hair person. If only Shufa tail, often not even there their hair or hair entanglement phenomenon. 4, while the hair is wet on the hair volume The correct way is such as when the hair is dry to the 78, then the hair volume. 5, force dried after washing hair Rub with a towel force will only make hair Kuse fork. You should towel dry hair wrap, gently pressing, dry towel will naturally drain water on the hair. 6, shampoo foam as possible Many people think that shampoo when you force the greater the more foam shampoo, hair, the more will be washed clean. In fact, this will make the hair even more dry. Foam shampoo products should not be more than demand, but forced to be gentle. 7, in the hair spray perfume Although the hair can easily absorb the smell, but the hair perfume, the result is counter-productive. Because the perfume in a volatile alcohol content, you will be taken away by the hair of moisture so that hair even more dry. 8, hair color and perm at the same time The best hair of people just burns and other 12 weeks a further hair, otherwise it would damage the hair and the hair too heavy a burden. 10, wearing a fat roll to fall asleep Hair volume in the hair volume, bear the weight and pressure of a night inevitably will be hurt, so this method is not desirable. 11, when hair is dry and wipe some more hair milk Hair is dry, lack luster, more than wiping some hair care products can be resolved, I believe that many people have tried this. In fact, the excessive hair milk will give the hair a burden. To wipe the words, the best you can only put on the hair surface. 12, forced to remove hair dandruff Comb scraping the scalp of cutting-edge force can indeed remove some of dandruff, but also on the scalp skin cells fall off, causing injuries to the scalp. 13, perm unsuccessful again The new hot hairstyle is not satisfactory, some people will re-try again. Doing so would cause great harm to the hair. Perm for the first time for people who prefer to perm time shortened, while the second perm with the time interval should be longer. 14, a variety of hair cortical everyone can If you can, doing hair, before full communication with the hairdresser, first dip in the wrist and the inside of some agent, if there is red itchy, they should give up the idea of hair in order to avoid damaging hair. 15, a bottle of shampoo and supplies for the whole family Use of sub-hair shampoo, hair care products, with predictable results. Like dry hair oily hair use a special product, will the hair grease and moisture are washed off, resulting in the hair drier.



10.头发的美学与艺术表达 头发除了具有生理功能外,还被广泛运用于美学和艺术领域。发型设计是发展成熟的艺术形式之一,通过不同的剪裁、造型和发饰,可以创造出各种独特的发型艺术品。头发还被用于表达个人风格和时尚趋势,在时尚界和娱乐圈中扮演着重要角色。


洗发水和护发素的作用 洗发水护发素解析
头发既没有生命又不会吸收营养,那洗头的意义在哪里?那洗发水护发素发膜还有没有用?理发店小哥在忽悠人嘛,下面就由的我为大家介绍洗发水和护发素的作用,洗发水护发素解析。洗发水的作用 随便拿一瓶洗发水看看后面的成分,都吓人一跳,咋这么多捏?其实归归类也没多少,何况骨干只有一类,那就是:...

shampoo是洗发剂、洗发水。shampoo是指一种具有去头屑功能、焗油功能和染发等功能的护发产品。成份的综合作用能起到清洁头皮和头发的功能。conditioner是护发剂、护发素。沐浴露的英文也比较简单,是叫做body wash,也可以用shower gel来表达沐浴露的意思。而conditioner这个单词才是护发素的意思。洗发水的正确...


洗发露 护发素 弹力素 发膜 英文怎么说



头皮干燥很可能是皮脂腺不够发达,属于干性皮肤。可以尝试使用一些能碰头皮的保湿护发素,有助于改善头皮干燥的现象,另外蛮多干头的人,多少有点头皮屑的问题 干头推荐洗发水:超级种子洗发水 这个比较千人千面,我惊为天人同事感觉一般,美修全绿,纯氨基酸基底,对比其他洗发水多加了一些柔顺剂,植物...

9、最好让头发天然风干。长头发女士可把头发束起,而短头发的女士可利用各种定型产品,选出自己喜爱的发型。10、待头干透后,可以保湿喷雾喷在梳子上,然后梳头,有助于头发服贴及长时间固定发型。第二.简单的护发秘诀 茶水护发 在洗完头发以后,再用茶水冲洗,可使头发乌黑柔软,富有光泽。啤酒护发 ...


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