麻烦帮忙写一篇关于给中学生提建议的英语作文。 帮忙写一篇关于中学生攀比的英语作文,急用。

Some Good Suggestions for Middle School Students
Fellow students,do you want to be a good student?Here are some suggestion for you.First,you'd better not ride to school.Walk to school instead,for it is better for your health.Second,don't stay up at night,which will make you tired,and you can't focus on the classes without enough sleep.Third,a good eating habit is very important to middle school students.You should get into a good habit,and eat more heathy food,such as vegetables and fruit.Fourth,the Internet is helpful for you.Hower,you can't spend too much time on it.for it will do harm to your eyes.Fifth,finish your homework in time.Sixth,listen to your teacher in class carefully.
There are some other suggestions,but these are more important to you.If you can follow them,you are sure to be a good student.


Nowadays, students have to work harder and harder then they used to due to the study pressure in school. They spend 8 hours in school and most of their spare time at home doing homework. That's why many students don't take part in many physical activities.
I would suggest that students spend more time doing physical exercise in their spare time. Playing basketball will help them not only to exercise their physical bodies but help them to relax their tense mind, therefore, they can learn better. Going to cinema is another way to relax. Listening to music will be good for the students to have peace in mind after long hours hard work. Besides, they can go out for a walk in the countryside, to get close to the nature, or do some gardening.
In a word,It is important for us to do some activities
in spare time



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in spare time

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In my opinion,the Internet is helpful rather than harmful as someone else thinks. As is known to all,the Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. On the Internet,we can r...


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Dear Wang Tao, I'm very glad to be your friend You asked me how to learn English well. Here are some tips for you in learning English.First, you should listen carefully in class. It's very ...

英语 问题 给一个害羞的中学生 一些建议。
yourself to express,Third,you had better join some speech communities which you can take exercise to build your confidence ,hope you can get out of your trouble soon.最后一句话中的or应该改为of才正确!

and it can be very important in helping them to develop many working skills, people skills, and more. Of course, while a few activities is a great idea, there is a point where you need to draw a line...

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建议: 第一 积累词汇。多记一些单词和短语,方法很多,提供几条,1按功能分类 记忆l ,如新目标英语每个单元都有特定的语言功能,试着按这个功能把这些词汇串联成一个完整的故事(可英汉夹杂),不必拘泥于程式,只要有...

thesedays,we students are trying best to study as studying is really important for us.some students have to give up their favorite activities to adapt to busy life.here are some tips for students who are ...


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