动物的智慧 英语作文 200字的

Every kind of animal,like people have their own wisdom and their hate and their own feelings.
"Ga ga ga..." A group of materials under the leadership of the little duck is mother stroll on Wall Street in the streets.They walk in the street,people have a curious glance at them.There are some people who eat some biscuits and popcorn for ducks,ducks are also ate it.Drivers in traffic on the road,and saw a group of ducks to cross the road,also stopped,let the duck by first.The streets of vancouver appears a scene of any duck live in harmony.
Suddenly,a few duckling accidentally stumble into the road in the sewers.Mother duck and remaining a few duckling out,like a cat on hot bricks.In the
Duck's language,thought the duck hungry,butyl it then took out some biscuits.Mother duck reason all ignore,continue to restless.The policeman found bad things followed mother duck to the scene of the accident.Open the drain cover,remove the little duck will be washed away.
The duck it reappeared on the road.

Animal Wisdom

Animals are known to be well-adapted to their environments, and they have developed various ways to survive. From finding food to building homes, animals have been able to adapt to changing conditions over time. This ability to adapt is often referred to as animal wisdom.

For example, migratory birds, such as geese, travel thousands of miles each year to find food and breeding grounds. They use the position of the sun, the stars, and the Earth's magnetic field to navigate their way across vast distances.

Many animals also have intelligence and problem-solving skills. Elephants, for example, are very intelligent and use tools to solve problems, such as using sticks to scratch their backs. Some animals are even capable of communicating with each other using complex vocalizations, such as dolphins and whales.

The wisdom of animals is not limited to just physical survival. They also have emotional intelligence, as seen in the way animals care for their young and their social groups. This wisdom can teach us valuable lessons about empathy, community, and caring for others.

In conclusion, the animal kingdom is full of wisdom that we can learn from. By studying animal behavior and the way they adapt to their environment, we can gain valuable insights into our own lives and the world around us.








动物的智慧 英语作文

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lick my hand, making me laugh.I like Mimi, like puppies.我有一条小狗,它很可爱,它叫咪咪。每当我放学回家时,咪咪总是围着我绕圈,我便去厨房拿一片肉给它,它就趴在地板上吃。然后跳到我腿上汪汪汪地叫,于是我抱起咪咪,它就乘机舔我的手,逗得我哈哈大笑。我喜欢咪咪,喜欢小狗。

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the ones I have just mentioned above. Yet we still need to learn and try to gain wisdom in everyday life. Wisdom is necessary for our studies, work and even entertainment. With wisdom, we may not become a great person, but at least we can be decent.(原创作文,敬请采纳)...


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