英语作文围绕如何与父母愉快相处写一篇不少于80词的文章 求写一篇英语作文 关于怎么与父母相处 大概80就可以了

How to get along well with your parents?
I get on well with my parents . I love them very much . After supper , We always watch TV ,talking the things happen to us today . We are very happy to spend time playing games together .
Although sometimes we in disagreement ,it can't continue for one day .
Once I failed my test , they weren't angry with me. Instead , they helped me find out the reason and help me find comfidence anew(重新) . And at the next exam , I was successful.
I think we should spend more our free time chatting with them and telling them something about yourself they want to know.
Next regard your parents as your friends. We are in youthhood(青春期) now . We begin to hate our parents' chatter(唠叨).We always like talking to our friends than to our parents . We always think our parents can't know us better than our friends. But we don't know it's love.
Finally,study hard . Although we may not get the one prise , our parents will be very happy.


does it feel like you and your parents just can't see eye to eyel? are you always fighting with them about your life?is all the arguing and butting2 heads (主要部分,要点) stressing you out? follow these steps to find some peace. here's how:
  1. make a list of the things that you and your parents fight about the most.
  2. identify(确定) what it is that gets you so upset or angry--are you mad that your parents disagree with you, or are you upset that they can't/won't see your point of view3?
  3.decide on a fair compromise (和解,妥协)--a resolution (解决)that you can live with and that you think your parents' will accept. note: a compromise means you give up some of your demands--it does not mean that you get your way4.
  4. set up a time to talk to your parents, do not just bring it up over dinner but make an actual ap- pointment and tell them that you have an important proposal(提议,建议) to make.
  5. bring your notes with you to the meeting so you can stay on track if/when emmotions get high. you may even want to consider reading the note to your parents like a speech.
  6. before talking to your parents, take a few deep breaths and think calming thoughts. make a promise to yourself that you will not raise your voice or get angry even if your parents "turn up the volume."
  7. when you have presented your case(实情, 情况)take another deep breath and let your parents talk. really listen to what your parents have to say. even if you do not like what they are saying hold back your anger and keep your ears and mind open.
  8. avoid shutting down or growing frustrated5. avoid interrupting them or jumping in with a rebuttal(反驳). just listen and absorb what they say.
  9. if your parents reject your proposal, stay focused and avoid getting emmotional (情绪激动的). thank them for their time and express your disappointmentthatyoucouldnotreacha compromise.
  10. if your parents accept your proposal, be grateful and assure them that you will not let them down. then do everything necessary to show them they made the right decision in going along6 with you.
  11. whatever the outcome, besure to do what your parents ask of you. by going along with their wishes you build trust and show your maturity(成熟) which in turn may make them more willing to relax their stand at a future date.
  12. if the topic is a very sensitive one and you still can't see eye to eye,ask your parents what they need from you in order for them to consider your proposal.
  13. make a vow(誓言,誓约) to give them what they need and ask them if you can agree to revisit the subject in a few weeks time.
  14. if the outcome disappoints you, do not throw a fit7.go to your room and write your feelings in a journal or go outside and ride your bike or punch(猛击) a pillow to blow off steam8.

谁都会有烦恼,人的一生也不可能时时精彩.我们的生活不会因为烦恼而停止不前,人也不因烦恼而无法生活. 其实经常会烦恼的人大致上是一个心思细腻而感情丰富的人,想得多,烦恼自然就会增多.现在,我们唯一能做的就是:善待自己!对自己的精神负责,最自己的生活负责,对自己的笑容负责.凡事,只要我们从好的一方面去想,总有想得开的时候,这个过程可能有些漫长,但只要我们始终带着坚定的笑容,那么一切困难和烦恼都会被踩在脚下. 朋友,谁人都有烦恼.但怎样去化解,更多的是需要自己的努力.换一种积极的思维方式,每天对着自己抱以自信的微笑,相信,你的生活就会与众不同. 退一步天高地阔,让三分心平气和,肯吃亏不是痴人,能受苦乃为志士,怕小人不算无能,敬君子方显有德,如得意不宜重往,凡做事应有余步.持黄金为珍贵,知安乐值千金,事临头三思为妙,怒上心忍让最高.切勿贪意外之财,知足者人心常乐.若能以此处事,一生安乐逍遥.



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