英语作文 发明梳理头发的工具


We assembled a group of hair combs and hair brushes that are gentler on your hair. Some of the combs below have wide teeth, which will help with detangling wet or dry hair. Most of the combs are seamless, which will help to avoid snagging your hair while combing.

While most women no longer spend the time to brush their hair before they go to bed, brushing your hair is still an important way to keep your hair healthy and shiny. Choosing the right brush is very important depending on your hair type, read on to find out what brush is best for your hair:

Round Hair brush: Round hair brushes are generally used to give a curl and definition to hairstyles. The basic rule is that the smaller the round of the brush the tighter the curl. For shorter hair, use a smaller brush and curl strategic pieces of your hair. For longer hair, round hair brushes can be used for curling the ends, or just straightening hair. A larger round hair brush is best for longer hair.

Vent Hair Brush: Created with a hole in the middle of in the base, the vent hair brush lets air pass through the brush allowing for faster blow drying. These brushes can also boost volume, and detangle your hair.

Paddle Hair brush: Great for straightening medium to long hair, a paddle hair brush smoothes as it lengthens. As opposed to the round brush, this style encourages hair to lie flat and is better for hair which is not layered too much.

Cushion Hair brush: Made for medium to long hair, cushion hair brush is a daily brush that massages the scalp and can perform the same duties as the half-round brush.

No matter which brush is best for certain styles, there’s no stopping you from having at least one of every type. Changing your brush may ease your morning routine, or make it even faster. One thing to keep in mind is quality. Buying the cheapest brushes will only mean that they will not last very long, and may end up scratching your head. Treat your hair well, and it will love you for it!

Comb & Brush Categories:

Hair Brush by Feature
Natural Bristle Hair Brush
Hot Air Hair Brush
Cushion Brush
Round Brush
Vent Brush
Ceramic Hair Brush
Ionic Hair Brush Hair Brush by Brand
Spornette Brush
Conair Hair Brush
Phillips Hair Brush
Metropolis Brush
Mason Pearson Hair Brush
Marilyn Hair Brush Hair Combs
Wooden Hair Combs
Metal Hair Combs
Plastic Hair Combs


A comb or hair polarizer is a toothed device used in hair care for straightening and cleaning hair or other fibers. Combs are among the oldest tools found by archaeologists, having been discovered in very refined forms from settlements dating back to 5000 years ago in Persia.

Combs can be made out of a number of materials, most commonly wood or plastic. Ivory and tortoiseshell were once common but concerns for the animals that produce them have reduced their usage. When made from wood, combs are largely made of boxwood, cherry wood or other fine-grained wood. Good quality wooden combs are usually handmade and polished.

Combs can vary in shape according to function. Hairdressing combs may have a thin, tapered handle for parting hair and close teeth. Common hair combs usually have wider teeth half way and finer teeth for the rest of the comb. A little known fact is that the spaces between the teeth on a comb are called combdrums.[citation needed]

A hairbrush, which is larger than a comb, is also commonly used for shaping, styling and cleaning the hair.

Combs can be used for many purposes including: securing long hair in place; decorating the hair; matting sections of hair for dreadlocking; or keeping a kippah or skullcap in place. In Spain, a Peineta is a large decorative comb to keep a mantilla in place.

In industry and craft, combs are used in separating cotton fibers from seeds and other debris (the cotton gin, a mechanized version of the comb, is one of the machines that ushered the Industrial Revolution). A comb is used to distribute colours in paper marbling to make the swirling colour patterns in comb-marbled paper.

Combs are also a favorite spot for police investigators to collect hair and dandruff samples that can be used in ascertaining dead or living people's identities, as well as their state of health, toxicological profiles, and so forth.


A hairbrush is a small brush with rigid bristles used in hair care for brushing, styling, and detangling human hair, or for brushing a domestic animal's fur.

A brush is typically used on longer hair, while a comb is normally used on shorter hair; however, a brush can be still used for short hair. A flat brush is normally used for detangling neat and tidy hair, after sleep; a round brush for styling and curling hair, especially by a professional stylist, and with a blowdryer. A paddle brush is used to straighten hair, but not all work, they are usually used on untidy unkept hair. A hairbrush is also useful in removing loose hairs, and in increasing circulation to the scalp.

The brushing of a domestic animal's fur is often perceived as a mark of affection and/or a bonding experience, which can have a soothing effect, e.g. making a cat purr. Special brushes are made for cats and dogs. For an equine's tougher hair, a curry-comb is used.


It takes us a lot of time to comb our hair every day, which brings us much trouble. Now l have invented a tool that can help us deal with this problem. I call it Easy Hair. It looks like a helmet. Every morning, when you get up, you just need to wear the helmet. Then a comb inside the helmet will smooth your hair automatically. Of couse, the Easy Hair can be rechargeable. You can go anywhere when you comb your hair. In addition, the Easy hair can make your hair curled, which make you more beautiful.

the Combs and Brushes
Everyone has his hair,and it is very important to us.Having shine and smooth hair means we are healthy.So it's of great importance to care about our hair.Well,hair-care includes shampooing it from time to time,combing and brushing it constantly.So we need a comb and a brush.They are usually made from plastic.A comb is a tool that makes our hair smooth after shampooing it and a brush is a tool that makes our hair look beautiful and healthy.


It takes us a lot of time to comb our hair every day, which brings us much trouble. Now l have invented a tool that can help us deal with this problem. I call it Easy Hair. It looks like a helmet. Every morning, when you get up, you just need to wear the helmet. Then a comb inside the helmet will smooth your hair automatically. Of couse, the Easy Hair can be rechargeable. You can go anywhere when you comb your hair. In addition, the Easy hair can make your hair curled, which make you more beautiful.

《An invention》
I will invent a time machine in the as it 's been my dream in my life. Time machine allows people to travel back in time to prevent disaster to happen. It also allows people to tavel into dinstant future to find out solution for Incurable illness including cancer and aids. However, this machine may be abused by people to create chaos in our world or even completely change our history. Therfore, security features are essential for my invention. The future invention of time machine will definately bring more advantages for human being.





梳子的寓意和象征有相思、白头偕老、爱情、健康长寿等。1、相思 梳子代表相思,代表着对方很想念很挂念自己。每天都梳理头发的梳子,就像对方每天和自己在一起,这就是那深深的思念!2、白头携老 梳子每天都梳理头发,也代表着它与自己的密切性代表着白头携老!古代女子出嫁之古天下男人之所以时,家人必...

4、舒经活血 中医学认为:头是“诸阳之首”,“诸阳所会,百脉相通”。人体的重要经脉和四十多个大小穴位,以及十多处特殊刺激区均聚于此。经常用梳子梳理头发,能疏通经络,活血化淤,改善头发营养。用脑过度感觉疲倦时,梳头数分钟,则会感到轻松舒适。5、清洁头发 当然,梳头作为保持美发不可缺少的...

梳理的含义:用梳子整理。梳理介绍如下:梳理,读音是shū lǐ,汉语词语,意思是用梳子整理。出处是茅盾《泡沫·尚未成功》。梳子介绍如下:梳子,梳理头发的工具。梳子的种类繁多,如:檀木梳、枣木梳、桃木梳、牛角梳等。梳子在品种上分实用品梳、工艺梳、旅游梳、高档精品梳、保健梳等五大系列300多个...

古人兴蓄长发,梳篦为每日梳理头发的必备之物。 梳子齿距疏松一些,用于头发的梳理;篦子的齿距的密,用来筚去发间的污垢,保持头发清洁,不长寄生虫,使人焕发容光。梳篦还可以刺激头皮神经,促进新陈代谢,延年益寿,并能插于发间作首饰。 常州篦梳自魏晋南北朝流行至今已有1500多年的历史。制篦业的祖师当是陈七子。


圆梳的用法:1、吹内扣 头发分束,一小发束梳顺,头发发尾往内卷,梳子要往下拉紧,吹风机由上往下吹整定型。2、吹直 梳子从发束内侧梳起,随着吹风机一起慢慢下移,风口往下顺着毛鳞片吹,头发才会直亮。3、吹蓬头顶 将头顶发束拉高呈直角,把发根到中段卷在梳子上(保留发尾),吹风机下往...

送梳子的含义。代表什么 送梳子给老人好么
好 梳子在古时候是定情用到物品,我们常听说过“一梳梳到尾,二梳白发齐眉,三梳儿孙满地”的吉祥话,因此梳子是相思,是爱情,是白头偕老,更是健康、快乐的代表和象征 梳子 梳子是梳理头发的工具,最初得名可能因为是木头所制。梳子的种类繁多,如桃木梳、檀木梳和牛角梳等。梳子在品种上分实用品...


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