高中英语口语大赛即兴问答题目及回答 英语即兴问答的问题

Should People Keep Pets?
There is much discussion today about whether it is good for people to keep pets at home in cities.
Some students believe that keeping pets at home can bring up the children’s sense of responsibility and loving. Besides, pets sometimes are the guards of our family. We feel safer when there is a pet at home. However, the other students don’t think so. In their eyes, keeping pets makes our environment dirty, causing a lot of diseases. Moreover, people have to spend a lot of money on keeping pets. They think that it is a waste of money.
There is no doubt that animals are very lovely, so I think it’s a good idea to keep pets at home. But we must prevent them from be harmful to our human beings.
I hope to become a university student. My elder sister has studied in a university for one year and she told me that there were many advantages to be a university student. For example, university students can learn more specialized subjects and there will be more time and room for them to arrange their own things. In addition, university students can choose some subjects they like and they have more opportunities to look for the jobs in spare time. They can join many associations to show themselves and get some important experience. Those attract me so much. I will work hard to achieve success in the Collge Entrance Examination.

whats your opinion of the earthquake that happened in china?

as a matter of facts. none of us would want such things happen in our own country. but it actualy happened , we should show our responsibilities to help those victims. being an civilian of our society, its neccessary to give then a hand whether we know them or not, we should stick together as a team. helping each other. so that we could defeat it, just like what we've did before, nothing could block on our way.

这里有新托福口语的sample & answer是我曾经学托福的时候老师的博客,讲义的内容都在上面。
新托福口语考试的part 1高中水平已经都可以进行回答,你可以根据自己的程度选择背诵几个。

who is your favorite star and why?
how do you think part-time jobs?
when you are grown up,what do you want to do ?


我想你说的应该是类似演讲比赛中的即兴问题,那你首先得有多方面的知识的储备了,这样当被问到时才不会无话可说。另外,熟记一些句型,就是那些诸如It doesn't matter that..., it goes without saying that...,因为这样的句型会让你的回答显得很有内容,而且很有论据。给人会留下好的印象。最后,就是不要紧张,发挥自己的水平和能力打动评委。此外,我觉得如果你只是简单的说大家都知道的论点不够有说服力,最好能说些自己的观点,只要能自原其说就没有问题的,即使你的观点有些时候会和大家的不同,但是不同的人有不同的观点,说出你的理由就可以了,其实这比你简单的讲大道理更容易打动评委,最后,祝你成功。

句型从简单的开始学 比如:我有一个苹果(I have an apple.)
以这句话为基础 慢慢的将句子拓展
比如:他有一个伟大梦想(He has a great dream)
在他小的时候,他有一个伟大的梦想(When he was young,he had a great dream)

2.问你得观点一定要以第一人称(I)来回答。而对于英文初学者来说 回答最简单的开头莫过于重复一下老师的问题
比如:请问你对全球变暖怎么看?(What's your view on Global Warming?)
回答的第一句话:My view on Global Warming is ......
比如:怎样才能够维持良好的师生关系?(How to sustain good Teacher-Student Relationships?)
回答:To sustain good Teacher-Student relationships we need...
观点的问题有很多 你不可能明确的知道老师将要问你什么...
What is your (view/postion/impression)on XX... [你对XX的(看法/立场/印象)是什么]
What are your (thoughts/feelings)on XX... [你对XX的(想法/感触)是什么]
How to (怎样去...)What can you do to help ...(你为...能做什么)

3.准备的时候不要慌张(貌似是废话= =)...给你一个题目后 先决定自己的立场 然后找supporting ideas。句子不一定要长,简洁而清楚才是最重要的,不必用一些很复杂很难发音的单词。脑子里应该就像在写作文一样 打一个草稿,多找一些ideas来支持你得中心思想。

回答:I think Global Warming is a serious problem that's caused by mankind.(我觉得全球暖化是由人类所造成的一个重大问题)[第一句话主要用来定调,这句话表明了你得立场:全球暖化由人类所造成,而且它是一个重大的问题] It's threating our environment as well as our survival.(它正在威胁着我们的环境同人类的生存).If we don't take action right now, the situation is only going to get worse.(如果我们现在不行动起来的话,情况只会变得越来越糟.)let us unite as one and save our mother nature。(让我们团结起来 一起拯救我们的家园)...

可能不到一分钟吧..不过大概就是这么个意思...只要你陈述了你得观点然后找到了idea去support你得观点 应该就差不多了....

如果你真的在台上什么也说不出来 你就说
Hi everyone, i prepared really hard for this presentation at home, but unfortunatelly i am unable to answer the teacher's question. I look forward to share my opinions with you next time. Thank you very much.
(大家好,虽然我在家里很努力的为这次演讲比赛做准备 但是我无法回答老师的问题。我很期待下一次跟你们分享我的见解。谢谢大家)



6. What will the future computers be like?未来的电脑会是什么样的?7. What kind of exercises do usually do?你平时都做哪些运动\/锻炼?8. What do you think of sports violence?你如何看待体育暴力(体育运动中的暴力行为)?可以问一下你是要翻译这些问题还是要答案吗?

i am unable to answer the teacher's question. I look forward to share my opinions with you next time. Thank you very much.(大家好,虽然我在家里很努力的为这次演讲比赛做准备 但是我无法回答老师的问题。我很期待下一次跟你们分享我的见解。谢谢大家)祝你好运吧...加油~!

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嗯 还有一件事,现在我报读的ABC天卞口语的导师说过,就是要学好英语很简单的 绝对要有一个适合的学习情境和进修口语对象 重点就是老师教学经验,东南亚口音重 一定要找欧美籍 发音纯正很重要,持续天天口语练习,1 on 1针对性教学才能够有最.好.的学习效果 课后记得重复复习课堂录音档,更...

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you to go to a concert with him.Ask him two questions about the concert.Q:When will be the concert held?(音乐会什么时候举行?)Is there anyone else go with us?(还有谁和我们一起去?)哈哈哈哈哈~~~俺是08届毕业生,口语成绩是A哦,楼主我把好运给你咯~~~祝你成功,呵呵~~~

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求助 英语口语考试 谢谢!15个题目(急!)
同学你好,你的考试是几分钟的?我简单的写一些,希望能激起你的灵感。回答的时候注意尽量使用简单句和通俗易懂的单词。还有关联词很重要哦。记住不要死记硬背,灵活些运用。祝你好运哦 下面是我的答案,我的伙伴们会帮你补充的。1. Oral english class is my first choice because we freshmen lack...



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