网上阅读现状,利弊,看法英语作文? 写一篇关于学校课外阅读的现状,对其分析,看法的英语作文(新闻...



In modern times,the Internet is becoming more and more 


popular,especially,for the middle school students.Some students think it is good 。


for them to get the useful imformation and study on the Internet.Besides(另外)。


they can know about the latest news,widen their field of vision,and gain their knowledge。


On the other hand,some students chat, paly computer games even scan the bad network raher than study.


Meanwhile,a long-time searching on the internet makes their health badly.


In my opinion,every coin has two sides,that is to say ,one is bad ,the other one is good.


So I think combining the entertainment with the study is the best. 



In modern times,the Internet is becoming more and more 在摩登时代,上网正变得越来越流行,popular,especially,for the middle school students.Some students think it is good 特别是对于中学生而言。一些同学认为网络对他们很有帮助。

for them to get the useful imformation and study on the Internet.Besides(另外),他们可以上网查有关学习的有用的资料,在网上学习。

they can know about the latest news,widen their field of vision,and gain their knowledge.另外他们还可以了解最新消息、开阔视野,扩大知识面

On the other hand,some students chat, paly computer games even scan the bad network raher than study.但是,有的同学却不是用来学习的,而是用来聊天、玩游戏,甚至是浏览不良网页。Meanwhile,a long-time searching on the internet makes their health badly.而且,长时间的上网会对他们的身心健康造成严重伤害。

In my opinion,every coin has two sides,that is to say ,one is bad ,the other one is good.在我看来,上网没有好坏之分,每一个事物都有两面,一面是好的,另一面就是不好的。

So I think combining the entertainment with the study is the best. 因此我认为把娱乐与学习结合起来是最好的。

The current situation, advantages and disadvantages of online reading


I think the ebook is Leon, easy to carry, save a space, save money, not affected by reading site restrictions. Power is lasting, less damage to eyes, Internet, support format selection, lots of free books, buy the ebook genuine after than the original paper genuine ebook book at low prices 。The most critical: environmental protection, reduce waste of paper
I think the ebook isFraud, a entity, collect books hurts eyes of books and is as entity. Piracy
The price is more expensive, big screen no backlighting 。。。。。

Internet has caused a decrease in reading. Besides, we, high school students, have to put the most time into our homework, as a result, there is little time for us to read anything else besides the textbooks. However, reading books in our spare time has many benefits. First of all, books allow us to use our imagination. Secondly, reading can be done anywhere as long as there is enough light. It doesn’t need electricity or access to the Internet.


求!!!一篇关于上网的利弊英语作文(本人英语技术差 希望不是太复杂的...


eyes.然而,正如每个硬币都有两面,电子书也有不足之处。例如,长时间阅读电子书会伤害我们的眼睛。Weighing up the pros and cons, I think that e-books are beneficial if we read correctly and properly instead of reading over.权衡利弊,我觉得我们恰当地阅读电子书而不是过度是很有好处的。

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以“中学生上网的利弊”为话题写一篇英语作文 80字左右



  • 项谭6925: 网上阅读的利与弊? -
    18769522661: 电子阅读利的方面: 1、开创了一个新的阅读媒介(以前是纸质的),是时代的进步 2、阅读效果“图”“文”“声”三者兼具,更形象生动,开创阅读先河 3、卫生,不会对环境造成污染环境 4、书的保存更简便,便于存储,不占用空间 5、制作上传之后,不用印刷,节省了资源 电子阅读弊的方面 1、它受电脑设备,网络及电路等的限制,如果产生故障将不能阅读. 2、它不方便携带,只能在电脑前阅读,不能带走,受时间和地点的制约. 3、相比纸质书籍,对视力的损伤更大 4、电子阅读的普及率还很底,还有很长的路要走

  • 项谭6925: 结合实际谈谈你对“网上阅读”的认识.就网上的利与弊来探讨,不要网上复制的答案,最好具体些.
    18769522661: 利:扩大了中学生的阅读范围,丰富了中学生的知识,学到了很多课外的知识,对日益激烈的竞争,时间就是金钱,上网能够有效的节省时间.有很多的学生买了书只看一遍就扔到一边太浪费了,上网省钱的一面就显而易见了.在阅读过程中还可听音乐放松,让电脑读书也是一种享受. 弊:影响视力,电脑信息面太广中学生的辨别是非能力尚未成熟,很容易沉溺其中不可自拔.例如:有些人迷上了电脑中的武侠言情小说,不顾老师家长劝诫,无心学习,荒废学业.有的学生为到网吧上网,收取保护费,抢劫等,走上犯罪道路,毁了家庭. 自己编的,应该还可以吧.

  • 项谭6925: 网络阅读的利与弊 -
    18769522661: 反方:阅读为什么非得在网上,网上的阅读很多时候都没有讲过严格的过滤,鱼龙混杂,不利于读者阅读,而且很多权威网站都有这样的东西出来,阅读质量得不到保证那,对于一些读者,有继续资料的,网上资料固然可以参考,但对于中学生本身的筛选能力,还有待提高的中学生,弊必然大于利啊!

  • 项谭6925: 网络阅读有利还是有弊 -
    18769522661: 网络阅读本身就是一把双刃剑,有好的一面也有不好的一面,我们需要的是用发展的眼光,科学的态度去面对网络上大量的信息,在视觉受到冲击的同时,心灵上也在不断的更新.好的一方面就是:让我们可以学到很多陌生学科的知识,让知识...

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