
  1995, the American Film Technology Master Robert Zemeijishi shooting of the film "Forrest Gump," won the Oscar for best picture, best director, best adapted screenplay, and so six awards from Robert statement highly visible, a result, different from the Hollywood model of the types of movie. At that time, the United States immediately started a "Agam fever", the so-called "Agam fever" is the United States representative of the mainstream of social, cultural, from the mainstream ideology of the value orientation to the United States to face the hardships encountered in the heat determined.

  The movie "Forrest Gump" Winston Gelumu adapted from the novel of the same name, is an original full of ironic novels, from the anti-mainstream status, and the film is the story of a furnishing and landscaping, are on the on the mainstream ideology, it is the myth of the American people comforter, and this has undoubtedly more videos of the tastes of the audience and the judges, but the expense of the struggle against the original spirit of treason, the film has become a symbol of idealistic moral, the United States is "Hollywood" film factory values, also in line with the United States precisely the top of the mainstream consciousness.

  The story is about an IQ of only 75 children through their own efforts from the primary "running" to a secondary school, "running" to the university, then "running" to the Vietnam battlefield, the Vietnam War and then crazy "run" their love The story of a determined.

  I think this is the story of a false determined, although the film shows the 1950s -80 people in the United States and positive social image, but to know that the film society is not true behind the appearance of the film - that the 1950s to the 1980s the United States, blacks oppose racial discrimination, and anti-Vietnam War sentiment is plaguing the United States the upper class, and also people lose confidence in the future of the country and look forward to, in the face of the failure of the Vietnam War, the people of their own country, have been the fate of the future lost their fighting spirit, full of negative emotions confused, and the movie "Taxi driver" reflects the historical background, the keynote is the same.

  At this time, "Forrest Gump" is a panacea for economic soothe people, and the image of Agam is playing a mainstream and the mainstream anti-coordination between.

  In fact, the image through film, we can see that the United States at that time director Robert placed by the hope --

  1. Agam friendship with Bubba

  Bubba and Agam are the same soldiers participated in the Vietnam War, but Bubba is a black man. Directed by the Vietnam battlefield, Agam rescue Bubba, Bubba after growing friendship and Agam, to express the reality of the absence of ethnic conflict.

  It also carries their directors and the public to ease the aspirations of ethnic conflict.

  2. Agam and Jennifer Love

  Agam since the Vietnam War back after Jennifer have degenerated, and led a dissolute life, Agam has been love Jennifer, but Jennifer is like a fan as missing, and later, Jennifer back into the embrace of the Agam, Agam and share weal and woe with the some time, and after Jennifer left, left, Agam Agam, in order to find Jennifer has been running, Wong paid off days later, Jennifer brought back and the son of Agam But this time Jennifer has had the incurable disease, will soon be dead.

  Through the bewildering love, the film reflects the trauma of peace and anti-war history and the absence of the women's liberation movement.

  Jennifer as an anti-war image in the mainstream, and to degenerate until the death of the possibility of not hope to achieve.

  I think here also carries their people for the fate of their country lost.

  3. Agam and Lieutenant Dan

  Role in the Vietnam War, Agam two friends: a love of shrimp Bubba, it is an awesome Lieutenant Dan.

  Directed by Vietnam on the battlefield Agam Lieutenant Dan risking death to rescue a show to demonstrate to everyone in the mainstream society of the ideological and moral rescue.

  The film is not so much soothe the myth of the American people is not to say that this film is a great film that the American people.

  A film, then a feather Homelessness with the wind, struggling to shake Homelessness, the American public has faith in God Nietzsche is dead? Modern society people in the face of the era of mechanical reproduction really do not know what a collapse? People do not know the fate of the place where they believe they should not be the fate into their own hands, but should master by the wind and let their Homelessness, I think this is the American people face the destiny of a pessimistic mood bar.

  But even confused even confused, or to continue to live, there is still hope that everything, and it is also the upper mainstream of the United States of expectation. After all, human vulnerability is the need to soothe the soul, so in the clear theme of this film, we still believe that Hemingway's "this world is a good place, it is worth fighting for her."







  1. 阿甘与布巴的友谊



  2. 阿甘与珍尼的爱情





  3. 阿甘与丹中尉





  不过哪怕迷茫哪怕疑惑,生活还是要继续,一切都还是有希望的,这也是美国上层主流所期望的。毕竟人类脆弱的心灵是需要抚慰的,所以在这样主题明确的影片里,我们还是要相信海明威说的 “这世界是个好地方,值得为她奋斗。”

送你一个结尾,电影里面的:Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意料)



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