剪头发时一些可用的英文句子 我会按照学校的要求去剪头发的英文句子

1. thin one's hair 把头发打薄
2. straighten one's hair using boards 把头发用夹板拉直
3. trim one's hair 修边
4. 剪刀打薄 thinning

乱发 shock

修剪 trim

平顶头 crop

分发 part hair

做发型 cutting&styling

电烫 permanent wave

点烫药水 setting lotion

女子做发 hairdo

点烫发机 electric hair curler

压发 hair fixer

束发结 snood

发网 hairnet

假辫子 coronet braid weitch

前刘海 bang

髭,小胡子 moustache

鬓角 temple
5.使头发柔顺 Make hair gentle and agreeable
6.伏贴 Cosy
7.定型 Get into form
8.斜刘海 Tilted frisette
9.把上面的头发打碎 Hair above is broken into pieces

--Do you want to restyle your hair? (改发型吗?)
--You just want to have your hair cut, don't you?(你就想剪头发,是把?)
--Just to cut it short or have it trimmed? (就是剪短还是修修边?)
--You should first have your hair washed here. (要在这里先洗洗头)
--Don't touch the front. (前边不要剪)
-Do you need to have your hair oiled? (擦油吗?)
--Doyou need to have it dried? (吹干吗?)
--You want to have it parted in the middle(on the left, on the right)
--You want to have a shave here? (想刮脸吗?)
--electric razer(电动剃须刀)
--Do you wantto have your hair dyed? (要染发吗?)

cut hair 剪头发
which fashion do you like 你喜欢哪种样式

有一点我补充一下,不要说cut hair,很土, 说trim hair

理发的 几个句子翻译

1What time are you go to barber's, please ask me with you
2When are you go to barber's, I'll go there on April 5th
3I'll go to barber's next wednesday
4 I'll go to barber's the third day of next month
5How about this barber's ,Good,a very high lever of it
6How much about a haircut ,twenty yuan

I will be in accordance with the requirements of the school to cut hair

I will be in accordance with the requirements of the school to cut hair


1. 秃头baldhead 2. 大波浪型wave hair 3. 一头卷起的凌乱头发。似一簇美妙蓬松的细草,似一簇舒卷的轻云。4. 她有一头无光泽的、过厚的黑发。5. 她那一头带点灰色的金发,可以一直垂到脚踝子上。6. The preserva...

1.使头发柔顺 Make hair gentle and agreeable 2.这里可以打薄一点吗?Thin point where you can play it 3.定型 Get into form 4.斜刘海 Tilted frisette 5.把上面的头发打碎 Hair above is broken into pieces 6....

1.使头发柔顺 Make hair gentle and agreeable 2.这里可以打薄一点吗?Thin point where you can play it 3.定型 Get into form 4.斜刘海 Tilted frisette 5.把上面的头发打碎 Hair above is broken into pieces 6....

1. thin one's hair 把头发打薄 2. straighten one's hair using boards 把头发用夹板拉直 3. trim one's hair 修边 4. 剪刀打薄 thinning 5.使头发柔顺 Make hair gentle and agreeable 6.伏贴 Cosy 7.定型 ...

重点句子:1.I'd like to have my hair cut.我想理个发。2. How do you want it?您想理什么式样的?3.Just a trim,and cut the sides fairly short,but not so much at the back.修剪一下就行了。

请你把两边的头发再剪短一点好吗?Would you please cut sides a bit shorter ?我头顶的发根很厚,能帮我削薄一点吗?My hair is fairly thick at the top . Would you thin it out ?请将我额前的头发再剪掉一点...

or naturally curly pet? 你想要大卷,中卷,还是自然卷? 10. You'll look more attractive with curly hair. 你烫了头发会更有魅力。 以上是由北京韦博英语为您整理的关于烫染头发的英语常用句子的全部内容。

1.平头crew cut 2.秃头baldhead 3.中分头centre parting;central parting;part one's hair in the middle side parting;part one's hair on the left\/right 4.马尾发型pony-tail 5.猪尾发型pig-tail 6.披肩发型cape ...

1.平头crew cut 2.秃头baldhead 3.中分头centre parting;central parting;part one's hair in the middle side parting;part one's hair on the left\/right 4.马尾发型pony-tail 5.猪尾发型pig-tail 6.披肩发型cape ...

1.平头crew cut 2.秃头baldhead 3.中分头centre parting;central parting;part one's hair in the middle side parting;part one's hair on the left\/right 4.马尾发型pony-tail 5.猪尾发型pig-tail 6.披肩发型cape ...


  • 贡欧5252: 如何用英语说剪头发的专用语例如 我想削薄头发 电发 卷发 等等之类的 - 作业帮
    13035296895:[答案] 打薄:thinning 挑剪:weaving 烫发(卷的):permanent 口语可以说 curl卷 剪发:cut/hair cutting 染发:color/hair coloring 吹风(发):blow/blowdrying 做头型:hair design 但是口语多用 style hair 或者 hair setting 其他的剪发方式想不起来 你想到...

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    13035296895: 我要洗头、剪发、染发、吹风. I'd like a shampoo,a hair-cut,a hair-dye and a hair-dry. 请帮我设计个长发型. I'd like a full-length style. 我喜欢层次分高一点. I'd like my hair parting a little up. 我要做盘发. I'd like my hair bound up. 我想染发,你们...

  • 贡欧5252: 求与理发有关的用语的英文 -
    13035296895: 剪刀打薄thinning 乱发shock 修剪trim 平顶头crop 分发 part hair 做发型 cutting&styling 电烫 permanent wave 点烫药水 setting lotion 女子做发 hairdo 点烫发机 electric hair curler 压发 hair fixer 束发结 snood 发网 hairnet 假辫子 coronet braid weitch 前刘海 bang

  • 贡欧5252: 剪头发时会用到英语 -
    13035296895: 1. thin one's hair 把头发打薄2. straighten one's hair using boards 把头发用夹板拉直3. trim one's hair 修边4. 剪刀打薄 thinning 5.使头发柔顺 Make hair gentle and agreeable 6.伏贴 Cosy 7.定型 Get into form 8.斜刘海 Tilted frisette 9.把上面的头发...

  • 贡欧5252: 求英文理发用语 -
    13035296895: 打薄的话,按照头发来说就是让他给你make it less texture,less weight.这样他就明白了.texture的话,也有整个质感上都变轻盈的感觉.或者如果你想要削掉一层,干脆直接跟他讲清楚,shave this layer.碎发的话,我还真的要跟你一起等高人诶.不过我觉得当时的话,你可以用一下肢体语言,就是把头发puff一点,然后给他示范一下.Vicky

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