给一篇介绍动物(北极熊)的英语作文! 要有翻译哦


The polar bear is a magnificent animal that inhabits the Arctic region. As the largest land predator on Earth, it is a symbol of strength and resilience in the face of harsh environments.

Polar bears have a distinctive white fur that helps them blend in with the snowy landscapes of the Arctic. Their fur is not actually white, but transparent and hollow, which reflects light and gives them their characteristic appearance. Underneath their thick fur, they have a layer of fat that can be up to 11 centimeters thick, which helps keep them warm in the frigid temperatures of the Arctic.

Polar bears are excellent swimmers and can swim for long distances in search of food. They feed mainly on seals, which they hunt by waiting patiently at breathing holes in the ice or by swimming under the ice to catch them by surprise. Polar bears are also known to scavenge on carcasses of whales and other marine mammals.

Climate change is one of the biggest threats facing polar bears today. As the Arctic ice melts due to rising temperatures, polar bears are finding it increasingly difficult to find food and are having to travel longer distances to find it. This is putting a strain on their already vulnerable populations, and many scientists fear that polar bears could become extinct within the next few decades if urgent action is not taken to mitigate the effects of climate change.

In conclusion, the polar bear is a fascinating and majestic animal that embodies the resilience and adaptability of nature in the face of adversity. We must do everything we can to protect these incredible creatures and the fragile ecosystems in which they live.







Unlike Black and Grizzly bears, which are primarily nocturnal, the Polar Bear may be active at any time of the day or year, searching for prey on long summer days and sometimes on long winter nights. Adaptations to its Arctic habitat include its fur color, which blends with the snowy environment and so provides useful camouflage for capturing prey; its large size, which helps maintain body temperature by reducing surface-heat loss; and its furred feet, which insulate against cold and provide traction on icy surfaces. Because the hairs of its waterproof coat are hollow, they are especially insulating and increase the bear's buoyancy when swimming. An excellent swimmer, it paddles at about 6 1/2 mph (10 km/h) with the front feet only, hindfeet trailing-a trait unique among four-footed land animals-and can remain submerged for about two minutes. While swimming or treading water, it stretches its long neck for a better view, as it does on land. Owing to the scarcity of plants in its icy habitat, the Polar Bear is the most carnivorous North American bear, with canine teeth larger and molariform teeth sharper than those of other bears. An acute sense of smell enables the Polar Bear to locate prey even when it is hidden by snow drifts or ice. It stalks young seals and Walruses, and sometimes adult seals, often by swimming underwater to their ice floes. While hair seals are its staple, it also feeds on fish, birds, bird eggs, small mammals, dead animals (including whales), shellfish, crabs, starfish, and mushrooms, grasses, berries, and algae, when available. The Polar Bear hollows out a winter den in a protected snowbank, where it retires in a lethargic condition. Females den from November to March, during which time they give birth. Males den for much shorter periods, usually from late November to late January, but may be abroad occasionally at any time of the year. Cubs remain with their mother about a year and a half, denning with her the winter after their birth. The lowlands of Hudson Bay and James Bay, one of the world's largest denning areas for Polar Bears, is the only known region where Polar Bears den in earth rather than in snow. They excavate caves in lake and stream banks and peat hummocks by digging down to the permafrost. This area is unusually far south for the species, and it is believed that they use the permafrost dens again in summer to cool off. No large denning areas have yet been found in Alaska; some Polar Bears in that region may winter in Siberia, drifting across to Alaska on ice floes in spring. Polar Bears are a source of food and hides for Native Americans. 答案补充 英文好自己从中间找到答案!


给一篇介绍动物(北极熊)的英语作文! 要有翻译哦
The polar bear is a magnificent animal that inhabits the Arctic region. As the largest land predator on Earth, it is a symbol of strength and resilience in the face of harsh environments.Polar bears have a distinctive white fur that helps them blend in with the snowy landscapes ...

给一篇介绍动物(北极熊)的英语作文! 要有翻译哦
The polar bear, a magnificent creature, resides in the Arctic Circle. It is the largest land predator and a powerful symbol of strength and resilience amidst challenging conditions. The polar bear's white fur, which is not truly white but rather translucent and hollow, allows it to...

北极熊英文介绍,初二的, 谢谢
The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is a bear native to the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding seas. The world's largest predator found on land, an adult male weighs around 400–680 kg (880–1,500 lb), while an adult female is about half that size. Although it is closely relat...

having been reduced to little more than skin and bone."“从它的卧姿来看,这只北极熊饿得倒了下来,最后死在了这里。”阿尔伯塔大学的兼职教授,同时也是北极熊专家的伊恩·斯特林博士告诉《卫报》记者,“外部迹象显示它的身体已没有任何脂肪,只剩下一具皮包骨。”Stirling believes the bear starv...

I am on earth is very rare,so I was very popular,wherever I which country,there will be a" panda hot".Once the games,the athletes called me a mascot.After the match,China sent a few pandas in the wild and athletes get wild!I like swimming very much,everyday always and ...

enterprises should pay special attention to the effect they have on the environment and work out solutions for the problems. Of course, every individual should try one’s best in daily life by saving water\/energy, driving less and so on.译文:北极熊是在这个世界上最美丽的动物之一,...

The polar bear is the world's largest land carnivore, also known as polar bear, naive. Skin is black, because the hair is usually transparent so that the appearance of white, there are yellow and other colors, great size, ferocity.Polar bears considerable human vision and hearing...

北极熊是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物,又名白熊。按动物学分类属哺乳纲,熊科。雄性北极熊身长大约240-260cm,体重一般为400-800公斤。北极熊的视力和听力与人类相当,但它们的嗅觉极为灵敏,是犬类的7倍,时速可达60公里,是世界百米冠军的1.5倍。 The polar bear is the world's largest land ...

The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic. Polar bears and Kodiak bears are the world's largest land carnivores, with most adult males weighing 300-600 kg ; adult females are about half the size of males. Its fur is hollow and translucent, but usually appears as white ...

and potential loss of their sea ice habitat resulting from climate change”, according to the World Wildlife Fund. It was not clear what would be done with the polar bear in the future as it looked too weak to be taken back to its natural habitat.来源:疯狂英语·读写版 ...


  • 鲜妮6579: 北极熊的简介 -
    18298983135: 北极熊是熊科动物中最大的,体长可达2.5米,高1.6米,重500公斤.北极熊不仅善于在冰冷的海水中游泳,还擅长在冰面上快速跳跃,最高可以达到1.8米的高度.为了抵御寒冷,它的耳和尾都很小,全身除脚掌和鼻尖外,都覆盖着厚厚的毛(它的毛是中空而透明的小管,并非是我们所看到的白色),而它的皮却是黑色的.北极熊的嗅觉特别敏感,能判断猎物的位置,它的力量大,一击能使人致命.北极熊以海豹、鱼、鸟和鲸的尸体为食.母熊产崽在避风的雪洞中,仔熊刚出生时只有0.3米长,眼睛睁不开,耳朵也听不见,3—5年后,才长成兽.作为“北极圈之王”,除去人类,北极熊几乎没有天敌.

  • 鲜妮6579: 有关北极熊的说明文 -
    18298983135: 北极熊是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物,雄性北极熊身长大约240-260cm,体重一般为400-800公斤.而雌性北极熊体形约比雄性小一半左右,身长约190-210cm,体重约200-300公斤.到了冬季睡眠时刻到来之前,由于脂肪将大量积累,它们的...

  • 鲜妮6579: 谁有北极熊的简介? -
    18298983135: 自己筛选 北方冰雪上的白熊 北极熊生活在有大片浮冰的北极南部边缘地带.媾紧靠着海洋,有一块块断裂开来的浮冰和来这里繁衍的海豹.北极熊以捕食海豹为生,特别是环斑海豹.它们常趴在冰面上海豹的通气孔旁边等着,或是当海豹爬上...

  • 鲜妮6579: 北极熊的介绍 -
    18298983135: 北极熊是北极地区最大的食肉动物,因此也就是北极当然的主宰.如果说,企鹅是南极的象征,那么北极的代表自然就是北极熊了.但是,如果从生态平衡的角度来考虑,人们也许会提出这样的问题:既然狼群的捕获目标是驯鹿和麝牛等北极最...

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