5人英语话剧搞笑剧本~主题是 nightmare neighbour~3女2男~~最好是10分钟~~最好简单一点~~非常感谢~~~

boy A = Jack
boy B= Tom
girl A= Rose
girl B= Lucy
girl C= Lily
剧目梗概: Jack and Rose 还是男女朋友,Jack为人正直,有幽默感;Rose 脾气火爆他们住在浪漫街(The Romance street)泰坦尼克建筑楼(the Bulilding Titanic) 的12楼。 Tom, Lucy and Lily 是初中同学,恰好他们也住在泰坦尼克建筑楼里面,Tom住在13楼,Lily和Lucy住在十一楼。Tom是一个重金属的爱好者,Lily and Lucy是美声乐队成员,就这样喜欢安静的Rose Jack 生活遭到了严重的干扰,在感恩节哪天,Rose and Jack 邀请了 Tom,Lily and Lucy.
Rose went upstairs and knocked the door.
Rose: Hi, I am Rose, could you like to have a drink this night in my house?
Lily : why? .....
Lucy pushed Lily a little
Lucy: Sure, today is Thanksgiving Day, we love to do that.
Rose: Good, see you later.

Jack went downstairs, knocked the door.

Jack: Hi, buddy. Today there was a party in my house, would you like to come?
Tom: perfect! Thanks a lot.
Jack: Catch you later.

Jack and Rose all at home, they were preparing the dinner. Jack turn to Rose,
Jack said: sweetheart, I hate the Tom guy and his loud music which let me weak all night.
Rose: sure you do, so do I. I also hate the girls singing things. I always think about the Hitler (希特勒), because he waked up half of the world from sleep and then put them in nightmares.

Tom is happy, wears suits and ties, then he said "I do love party, I am the king".
Lily and Lucy also got ready, they brought a bottle of wine.

The three people meet at the door, they said hello to each other. Knock , knock, knock

Rose and Jack: welcome, my friends, even though we don’t like you music, any way come in .
The three felt nothing to say, then they were in the house.
Tom: oh, my god. I think I lost myself when I am in the house.
Rose: Because we are Jack and Rose, in Titanic building?
Tom: maybe.
Lily and Lucy laughed out, Lucy said: I think we are in the boat ---Titanic.
Lily: Haliluya! (哈利路亚)

Jack kept everyone quiet and he said, excuse me, my friends, could you introduce yourselves in a very, very, very brief one.
Tom : The loud music fan, then he sang—don’t you cry tonight, I still love you baby. (来自重金属乐队 guns and roses –枪花)
All the people were crazy but speechless. Then he sits down.
Lily: I am a beautiful flower and love chicken.
Lucy: I also love chicken, but a smaller one, I love singing because I want to drive my sister crazy, she always eat my chicken.
Jack: I hope you don’t drive us all crazy. But does not matter, I already crazy.
Rose: I think so.
Lily: I am not.
Tom: that is funny.
Jack and Rose: Not all that funny!!

So they talked and they all feel happy again, Lucy teaches Rose how to sing while Tom teaches Jack the song < Don’t cry> Lily is busy with eating chicken.

The Party is over, the funny thing is that Rose get s to love singing at night, Jack love heavy mental a lot. A month later, Lily, Lucy and Tom knocked the door, You Drive US ALL Crazy.

大概就是想出这么多,在表演的时候需要下一首枪花的<Don't cry>, 舞台布置突出泰坦尼克号! 好运!


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