写一篇关于学农建议的英语作文~ 写一篇关于学农(素质教育实践活动)的文章 题目写什么好?题目...

Today is our first day the grade study day ---4.29! Our entire grade to Zhuhai agriculture branch center to study one day-long study agriculture activity! Came to the agricultural center! We first visited the various vegetable! The afternoon we study grinding soybean milk! The morning of the second day, we listened to a hall about the modern agricultural technology course! In the afternoon we Chinese cabbage. At night, we are very hard to return home


we went to the beach with my parents last
sunday we were swim and played the beach
volleyball we ate some food they were delcious we had a very relaxing holiday











If you want to study English well,i think i can give you some advice.First,you can read some English newspaper or listen to some English radio.Second,you can remember five or seven words every day,after ...

Only by the whole world’s cooperation, can we defeat economic crisis successfully at last. 从百度找的 抱歉,我没仔细看。提点建议不知可以不 你可以先写成中文的,在用翻译工具 不过最好自己写,真情实感 ...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life ...

你的美国网友JACK正在学习中文,遇到一些困难,因此来信想你请教如何学好中文 英语作文 给他建议2011-04-06 01:36提问者: 匿名 |浏览次数:4905次问题补充:不用太多字我来帮他解答满意回答2011-04-06 10:22Hi, Jack, I...

Stress is an inevitable part in our normal life. Many kinds of things, such as natural disasters, war and death can cause too much stress in our life. But according to a psychologist, on a day-to-day ...

这篇将学习经历和学习建议方法融于一体、有什么疑问可以问我。When I was at primary school, I was not interested in English at all. At that time, my English was very poor. When I became a middle school ...

学好汉语为题的英语作文双语范文如下:There are four key points to study Chinese:listening,speaking,reading and writing.学习汉语有四个关键点:听、说、读、写。Firstly, we should be brave to talk with others in...

My hometown is suizhou, there is very beautiful in a city park and the south of baiyun shennong park, is recreation visit places. Winding road, and thick vegetation and Xuan mesh to deprive a person bonsai...

Some Good Suggestions for Middle School Students Fellow students,do you want to be a good student?Here are some suggestion for you.First,you'd better not ride to school.Walk to school instead,for it is ...

给高一学生提供学习方法和生活建议的英语作文:I am a high school student。I like English very much and my English score is also very good。Do you know how I learn? Here are some ways you can try。In ...


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    13832104192: Today is our first day the grade study day ---4.29!1653 Our entire grade to Zhuhai agriculture branch center to study one day-long study agriculture activity! Came to the agricultural center! We first visited the various vegetable! The afternoon we study ...

  • 甘昌2850: 学农英语作文 -
    13832104192: we went to the beach with my parents last sunday we were swim and played the beach volleyball we ate some food they were delcious we had a very relaxing holiday

  • 甘昌2850: 有关学农的英语作文 -
    13832104192: 今天是我们初一年级学农的日子---4.29!我们全年级都要去珠海农科中心去学为期一天的学农活动!来到农科中心!我们先参观了各种蔬菜植物!下午我们学习磨豆浆!第2天上午,我们听了一堂关于现代农科技术课!下午我们还中了大白菜....

  • 甘昌2850: 英语翻译自己写的一段话:上周,我和同学们去郊区进行了学农.那里的空气很清新,天气也很舒适.在第一天的活动中,我们学习了如何用镰刀去除草,开始... - 作业帮
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