有没有关于英语学习经历或英语学习建议的英语作文? 关于学习经历的英语作文带翻译

这篇将学习经历和学习建议方法融于一体、有什么疑问可以问我。When I was at primary school, I was not interested in English at all. At that time, my English was very poor. When I became a middle school student, my mother got back from Australia. She asked me to watch English movies and TV programs, listen to English songs and practise speaking English with her.Now, I do one unit of the reading exercises in Pep Up Your English by the People�0�7s Education Press every day. Although I have just graduated from junior middle school, I have finished the books for Senior One students and now I am working on the books for Senior Two. The reading materials are quite new and cover a lot of fields, so I like the set of books very much. I think the books have helped me to improve my reading comprehesion a lot. Thanks to Pep Up Your English, I got the standard score 807 in English in the first model examination of Baoan District and A+ in the Shenzhen Senior High School Entrance examination.I had some problems while I was learning English. I was good at spoken English, but poor in written English. I used to make mistakes in spelling. Then, I learned seven words by heart every day by going over them five times within a day——early in the morning, after lunch, after school, after dinner, before going to bed. As a result, I don�0�7t often make mistakes now. Besides, my grammar was poor, so when I had time, I would read my grammar book now and then. Although it was boring to me, after thinking of the goodness it would bring, I didn�0�7t feel bored any longer.</FONT>


“如何学习英语”的英语作文,只有我们在建立足够阅读的基础下,才能写出一篇优秀的作文。同时模仿也是非常重要的,点击下方蓝字链接,跟着外教学习地道的英语表达吧。【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】,点击蓝字链接,欧美外教带你免费一对一学英语!阿卡索外教线上学习,课均不到20元,有证的专业外教一对一上课指导,还有助教课后辅导,为大家提供更好的“留学”环境。“如何学习英语”的优秀英语范文参考如下:I think the best way of learning English is speaking as much as possible.here is some advice for you.First, We should try to listen to the teacher carefully . After class we should go over the lessons. And do our homework on time carefully.If we have any time ,we can read some English news and learn some useful words.Besides,we should ask teacher for help when we have any problems. Don’t worry about make mistakes.To believe ourseleves is important.不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。

I have had many difficulties since I started to learn English. Since I come from the south of China, I can not distinguish nasal sounds from non-nasals: they sound exactly the same in my dialect. Thus, I had a hard time telling “night” from “light” at the very beginning. My poor memory also added to the difficulties when I decided to enlarge my vocabulary. English words were so elusive that I could only remember them for a while.
I have spared no efforts to overcome the difficulties and finally succeeded. In order to tell the slight difference between nasal sounds and non-nasals, I forced myself to speak mandarin everyday. Whenever I started to speak English, I reminded myself the difference between “night” and “light”. At first I felt it rather unnatural, but as I went on I was gradually accustomed to speaking in this way. As for my wretched memory, I gave up mechanical memorization and tried many other new ways. At last I found a most efficient way for me: memorizing English words by their stems and affixes. This is how I have overcome some difficulties in learning English.





最后,英语的学习都是靠平日积累的,现在你的英语水平不高,只能说明你从起步的时候就已经薄弱了。所以补习起来一定会很吃力的,会比常人付出更多的努力。不过只要自己好好规划 好好学习,我相信功夫不负有心人,继续加油吧! 抢首赞 评论 ...

这篇将学习经历和学习建议方法融于一体、有什么疑问可以问我。When I was at primary school, I was not interested in English at all. At that time, my English was very poor. When I became a middle school ...


4. 要主动出击,不要坐等人教;要持之以恒,不要三天打鱼两天晒网。5. 要学会总结。学习中要揣摩规律,善于模仿,了解背景知识,分辨语言应用环境。6. 积极参加各种有关英语学习的课外活动。


对学习英语的建议如下:一,英语到底该怎么学最有效 学英语其实有很多方法,想必大家也看到过不少建议,同学们最常见的英语学习方法就是背单词,每天无论学习什么等级的英语,都要从背单词开始,然后最终也停留在背单词阶段,...

培养学习兴趣。从字母的认读,到单词的拼默,再到课文的背诵,都需要有正确的学习方法才能让孩子真正入门,并对英语产生兴趣。学好小学英语,如果能做好以下四个步骤,可以帮助孩子打好英语基础~第一步:读懂单词,理解句意 ...


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